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Update, August 2020:
​Responding to years of advocacy and thousands of KUB customers like you speaking up, the KUB Board of Commissioners has formally frozen the monthly fees on all KUB services for five years beginning in 2021 and running through 2025.
Read more about this decision and sign up to stay involved with our efforts to Renew Tennessee and push for affordable energy bills.

Have you taken a look at your electric bill lately? Does it seem higher than usual?
You may think it’s just because of the cold winter weather, but dropping temperatures may not be the only reason for your higher bills.
Your monthly bill from KUB includes a mandatory fixed fee.
That's $20.50 you're paying before you
even flip on a light switch.
In 2010, monthly fees were $6.
Since then, fees have tripled!
Sign the petition below telling KUB to #Freezethefees!
Read the latest #FreezeTheFees NEWS below
[KUB: Time To Put the Public Back In Public Power]
[KUB Fixed Fee Increases – based on economics or just a feeling?]
[Concerned customers urge KUB to 'freeze the fee']
[Advocates packed the room and delivered 2,500
#FreezeTheFees Petitions to KUB Board]
[Hey KUB, Do You Hear Your Customers Yet?]
[No More KU-BS, Freeze the Fees!]
Freeze the Fees is part of Renew TENNESSEE - a regional campaign to push our leaders to recommit to expanding access for all to affordable, clean energy that creates jobs, powers communities, and improves lives throughout the entire Tennessee Valley.
You can read more about the ongoing problems with fixed fees on our blog.
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